
Showing posts from July, 2020

Ertugrul quotes bangla

আমি মরে যাবো কিন্তু আমার উদ্দেশ্য মরে যাবে না। কোন গাছকে পূজা করোনা, এটা ক্ষয়ে যায় কোন মানুষে নির্ভর করোনা, সে মরে যায়।    আল্লাহ যার সাথে আছেন তাকে অনুতাপ করতে নেই। Thanks for readin!  

Top Ten Inspiring Quotes for your Mental health

1. Help people even ehen you know they can't help you back.    2.Learn to wait there’s always time for everything.    3. Don't treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are. 4. Accept what is. Let go of what was. And have faith in what will be. 5. Life tip, stop expecting.  6. Freedom is a state of mind.  7. If someone is ok with losing you they never really cared for you.   8. Children will follow your example more then your advice.      9. If you can't find a way creat one!  10. Be the change you want to see in the Society.    Thanks for coming 💖   

Top 10 Islamic quotes must read

Top 10 Islamic Quotes which  will show you the right path : 1. Rush TO prayer.  Don’t rush THROUGH prayer. 2. Keep Smiling :) Perhaps your smile will renew hope for someone who's about to lose it! #Sunnah 3.Rebuking others without knowing them or anything about them and their struggles is easy. You are not here to judge people. Offer a helping hand, support, kindness and encouragement instead. 4.Before you reject someone's advice and assistance, just consider for a moment that they may have genuinely wanted to help you. 5.Worrying will never change the outcome.  Prayer will! 6.Sometimes you hate your life while some people dream of having what you take for granted.  Always thank Allah for his countless blessings! 7.Don’t be a person who turns to Allah only when life isn’t going well.  Remember, the goodness of this life is also a test from Allah. 8.Beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no barrier between it and Allah. - Sahih al Bukhari 9.Decisions become ea

Ertugrul Gazi Bangla Quotes

Bangla Quotes for you! যারা বলবে আমাদের জ্ঞান পরিপূর্ণ নয়,তাদের বলবে আমাদের চেষ্টা পরিপূর্ণ।   যারা বলবে আমাদের ক্ক্ষমতা পরিপূর্ণ নয়,আমরা তাদেরকে বলবো আমাদের ঈমান পরিপূর্ণ।     

Dr Bilal Philips quotes

*** Anger can be a dangerous thing.  It can destroy relationships and harm many.  Learn to control your anger, before it controls you.

Ertugrul Gazi Quotes part -1

12 Inspirational Ertugrul Bey Quotes On Success By  Rafsan . 1.  “The seed which is not willing to let its shell rot, can not bear fruits.” Ertugrul Bey 2.  “I am only the enemy of oppression and betrayal.” Ertugrul Bey 3.  “ Patience   is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” Ertugrul Bey 4.  “The most powerful conqueror on Earth is justice. ” Ertugrul Bey 5. “What is in our hearts, we will reveal by our words and our deeds.” Ertugrul Bey 6.  “This gold was used to bribe the weak among us.” Ertugrul Bey 7.  “If we are thankful for what we have, our hearts will find peace.” Ertugrul Bey 8.  “The strength of our enemy is a sign of our  bravery .” Ertugrul Bey  9 .  “Existence is a school. Everyone is a student. God is the only teacher.” Ertugrul Bey 10. “Only those who can dream big can walk forward in the road of victory.” Ertugrul Bey 11.  “Those who are on the side of the Almighty He will never leave them alone.” Ertugrul Bey 12.  “We All came from God, and we will return to Him.” Ertugru